学习知识|老婆的英文怎么写,老婆的专属昵称( 二 )

他吻别他的妻子和孩子 。


  • “媳妇”的英文是“wife“
  • wife简介:[ waif ] n. 妻子;词形变化: 名词:wifehood;名词复数:wives
  • 例句与用法
1. She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位贤妻良母 。
2. Did you know he was cheating on his wife? 你知道他欺骗他的妻子吗?
3. He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子当作奴隶看待 。
4. Beginning in1970, she spent more time sweeping Harry off his feet than she did in her real estate career. He divorced his wife of33 years and married Leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds. 从1970年开始 , 她用在博得哈里欢心上的工夫超过经营房地产 。 哈里与结婚33年的发妻离异 , 1972年当利昂娜应许减肥20磅后和她结婚 。
5. He first met his wife in Rome. 他最初是在罗马碰到他的妻子的 。
6. She tried to be an affectionate wife. 她试图做个温柔体贴的妻子 。
7. The cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那个狠心的男人抛弃了他的妻儿 。
8. He kissed his wife and children good-bye. 他吻别他的妻子和孩子 。
  • 构词解析
W--wash(洗) I--iron (熨烫) F--fall out(吵架) E--ect(等)妻子的功能是洗衣服 , 熨烫 , 吵吵架等等 。

老婆的英文怎么写 wife
英 [wa?f]  美 [wa?f]  比较级 wives  可数名词 
  1. all the world and his wife 
2.bachelor's wife独身者理想中的妻子;人尽可夫的女人;妓女
3.Caesar's wife must (或 ought to) be above suspicion. [谚语]恺撒之妻不应被人怀疑;跟伟大人物有关的人必须洁身自爱 。
4.child wife 很年轻的妻子
5.common-law wife 姘头;未经正式结婚仪式与男方同居的女人
6.Dutch wife 竹夫人(盛行于前荷属东印度群岛的长筒形抱枕)
7.have (或 take) someone to wife 娶某人为妻
8.left-hand (或 left-handed) wife嫁给贵族的非贵族女子;比丈夫身分低微女子
9.old wife老妇;饶舌的老太婆;好搬弄是非的人;老太婆脾气的男人
10.The shoemaker's wife often goes in ragged shoes. [谚语]鞋匠的老婆没鞋穿 。
11.There is one good wife in the country and every man thinks he has her. [谚语]老婆是自己的好 。
12.wife of the left hand 出身低贱的妻子
13.wife out of Westminster 可疑的妻子
14.wife's equity 【法律】妻子在平衡法中的权利;变形;n. wives

“老婆”的英文怎么写? 老婆的英文是wife , 详细信息如下:
英 [wa?f] 美 [wa?f]
n.妻子 , 太太;夫人 , 老婆;已婚妇女
The woman was the wife of a film director.
这个女人是一个电影导演的妻子 。
“媳妇”的英文怎么写? 老婆的英文翻译是wife , wife作为名词是妻子老婆的意思 , 动词是成为妻子的意思 。
英 [wa?f] 美 [wa?f]   
n. 妻子;夫人
1、afford one's wife 供养妻子
2、beat one's wife 殴打妻子
3、bring one's wife with him 带着夫人
4、get a wife 有妻子,娶妻
5、hate one's wife 恨自己的妻子
6、have a wife 已娶妻,有妻子
7、have one as a wife 娶某人为妻
8、kiss one's wife 吻自己的妻子
9、kill one's wife 杀死自己的妻子
10、leave one's wife 离开自己的妻子
1、He kissed his wife and children good-bye.
